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La maratón
Escrito por:
Paco Ardit
Narrado por:
Magalí Schwartzman
Gonzalo Juani
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Febrero 20, 2019
1 hour 24 minutes
Looking for Spanish Novels?
I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.
You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.
You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.
A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.
But this book is not like that.
A Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates (B2) Both Fun & Easy
La maratón is the book number 17 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an upper-intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book.
Luis lives in Colombia and co-owns an ice cream shop in Bogotá. He's overweight and lives for the food. One day the power in his building apartment goes out, and he has a hard time climbing the stairs to the sixth floor. He goes to the doctor and he suggests him to change his lifestyle. Luis starts running and eating healthier, but his girlfriend and his business partner won't make things easy for him.
Why Spanish Novels
-Short Sentences
-Short chapters
-Easy vocabulary
-Simple grammar
-Everyday dialogues
An Upper-Intermediate (B2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.
From the First Chapter:
En la casa de Luis y Gisela, los domingos son los días de maratón. Cuando la gente piensa en la palabra "maratón" se imagina personas corriendo durante horas para alcanzar una meta. Pero para Luis y Gisela, maratón no tiene nada que ver con "hacer ejercicio" o "correr". Las maratones de los domingos para ellos son maratones de Netflix y comida chatarra. Es prender el SmartTV por la mañana temprano, quedarse pegados a la pantalla durante todo el día y apagar la TV por la noche, a última hora. Ver temporadas enteras de sus series favoritas mientras comen comida del delivery.
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